Left Knee question
I've had numerous issues with my left knee, including 3 surgeries related to sports injuries. I deal with it fine now, physically but and recent events, memories and spiritual breakthroughs remind me...
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Eagle Singing... I am not getting anything here, but I noticed that the first time I read this, I developed a prickly type rash on my own left knee, just below the kneecap(patella)... It is gone today...
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Hiya Wysong! My left knee has been amazingly better the two last years and the only things I attribute to that is practicing my own novice version of energy medicine and begin focusing on my spiritual...
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knee are about flexablity, movement and the ablity to bend.. so knee problems would be inflexablity or inablity to bend or fear of moving.. to me it would be fear built up on those issues.. and left...
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*nods* at what Mountain Eagle said. While I never have had surgery for it, I have what a "dear" doctor called a "deranged" right knee resultant of blowing it when I was a cheerleader umpty-ump...
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(((Mountain Eagle))) (((Swan))) Inflexibility, movement, the ablity to bend.. so knee problems would be inflexablity or inablity to bend or fear of moving..... Spiritual life. As I read this, I was...
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